Our knowledge and literature database is aimed at doctors involved in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and aftercare of sepsis, medical professionals, patients and self-help groups. It also serves to inform other healthcare organizations and the interested professional public.

Information on the literature database

The database offers a qualified selection of current, independent information on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and aftercare of sepsis. Due to the extremely close pathophysiological links between COVID-19 disease and sepsis, related publications are also included regardless of a septic course of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The present list includes publications selected from literature lists of guidelines, international professional societies and organizations, as well as from systematic reviews, supplemented by expert recommendations. The database is updated weekly by systematic literature searches in the Medline database of the National Library of Medicine and the results are evaluated by the editorial team with regard to relevance.

The publications listed are selected according to scientific quality and evidence, but without systematic quantification of the evidence. The database does not claim to be exhaustive. The scientific advisory board of the Sepsis Foundation reviews the selection annually.

"A click on the DOI link integrated in the arrow opens the respective abstract or the full text of the corresponding publication in a new tab."

Literature database

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Editorial team

Prof. Dr. Andreas Weyland

Ehrenamtliche Koordination Forschung & Wissenschaft Sepsis Stiftung

Susanne Ullmann

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Projektmanagement Sepsis Stiftung